Category: General

  • What Is A Mentalist?

    A Mentalist is someone who has mastered the workings of their mind. Consequently, they can leverage their imagination to dream a world that doesn’t exist before putting their full focused attention & energy on making their dream a reality. This process looks like magic to the ignorant & uninitiated. For you? It’ll be just another…

  • Aren’t You Born With This Or Not?

    Yes, and no. Say each of us is born with a certain amount of gold, and its buried. We have to put in effort to uncover it. To process it. To remove the impurities that dilute its value. In one way it doesn’t matter how much gold you’re born with if you don’t put in…

  • Do You Really Need Mentalist Powers?

    If you want to be average? No. If you want to be your best? You can’t do it without them. Competence, at its root, is a function of your beliefs about what you’re capable of. Your beliefs of what’s possible in the first place. Your assumptions about the world, what’s true, and what’s not. Your…

  • What Are Mentalist Powers?

    Mentalist powers are the skills, strategies, and techniques that make the most out of your mental potential. Non-rhetorical question: if you can’t imagine something different, what are the chances that you’ll create something different? Our answer is “zero percent.” Success and living a good life is less about knowing the right thing and more about…

  • About The Project

    There are no straight lines in nature. Nor on the path to success. So why do we obey the tyranny of the page? Answer? We don’t. This book is all over the place. I t d i v e r g e s. itconverges. It wanders all over the place, and picks up where you…